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Explore details on graduating from St. Ambrose and participating in commencement ceremonies
St. Ambrose University confers degrees three times per year: Winter, Spring, and Summer. The university holds commencement ceremonies in May and December each year. Summer graduates have an opportunity participate in either our spring or winter commencement ceremony. Please contact Registrar@sau.edu for next steps.
All coursework and final exams must be completed by the end of the day of the last day of the term. Any coursework not completed by that date will result in the degree being posted for the next term. Students should apply for graduation by the graduation deadline to ensure they are on track for graduation.
Graduating students can also schedule an optional meeting with Isabella Foral, Assistant Registrar to discuss their academic progress towards graduation.
Degree posting will begin the week after the commencement ceremony. Delays in posting a degree includes: failure to send final transcripts for transferring course work or failure to submit final assignments to instructors. Once your degree has been posted, graduates can request their SAU transcript for free.
March 17, 2025 | 4:30pm | Registrar’s Office
Students who plan to graduate in May should submit the graduation applied by March 17th. Students can submit this application through their self-service account or in-person at the Registrar’s Office. Students who apply after the deadline will not be listed in the printed program or other printed materials.
March 17, 2025 | 4:30pm | SAU Bookstore
Graduates should order their graduation regalia by March 17th at 4:30pm CST. All orders will be delivered to the SAU bookstore late April/early May. Graduates will pay for their orders at pick up. Students can place their order here. Please contact books@sau.edu with questions.
May 5, 2025 | 5:00pm | Rogalski Center Ballroom
Graduating students who have participated in the honors program are invited to the Honored by Honors event. This event will recognize the May graduates of the Honors Program and honor their faculty members. Students who plan to participate or have questions about the event should contact honors@sau.edu.
May 9, 2025 | 4:30pm | Student Financial Services
Graduates are to pay the $50.00 graduate fee by May 9th. Students who pay after the deadline might experience delays in receiving their diploma. Please contact Student Financial Services at sfs@sau.edu with questions.
May 12, 2025 | 4:00pm | Rogalski Center Ballroom
Medals will be presented to graduating military veterans and service members, and honor cords will be presented to children and spouses of veterans. In recognition of their achievements, these will be worn with graduation attire for the commencement ceremony. A reception with light refreshments to follow. Students wishing to participate should confirm their attendance by completing the RSVP form. Please contact Veterans Services at Veterans@sau.edu with questions.
May 15, 2025 | 5:00pm | Rogalski Center Ballroom
Undergraduate students who will be participating in the May Commencement Ceremony are required to attend the Commencement Rehearsal Ceremony. Student check-in will begin at 4:30pm. The Senior Reception will begin following the end of the Commencement Rehearsal Ceremony at approximately 5:30pm. All undergraduate students who are graduating, staff and faculty are invited to the Senior Reception.
May 16, 2025 | 1:00pm | Galvin Fine Arts
The Nursing Pinning Ceremony honors and celebrates graduating nursing students. The ceremony marks the students’ transition from nursing students to professional nurses. Graduates will be presented with a pin which represents the values and traditions of our nursing program. All family and friends are invited to celebrate our graduates’ accomplishments.
May 16, 2025 | 6:00pm | Galvin Fine Arts
The Master’s Hooding Ceremony for graduate students will take place on Friday, May 16th at 6:00pm in the Galvin and Fine Arts building. Students who plan to participate are required to apply for graduation through self service and should submit the Hooding Ceremony RSVP form by March 17th. Doors open for guests at 5:00pm and student check-in will be from 5:00pm-5:30pm. Please contact the Office of the Provost at Provost@sau.edu with any questions.
May 17, 2025 | 8:30am | Christ the King Chapel
The Commencement Mass will be May 17th at 8:30am in Christ the King Chapel on the SAU main campus. Graduating students will receive a special blessing and a commemorative gift from Campus Ministry. Family, friends, staff, and faculty and invited to join in prayer and celebration.
May 17, 2025 | 11:30am | Vibrant Arena Moline, IL
The spring commencement ceremony will take place on May 17th at 11:30am at the Vibrant Arena in Moline, IL. All graduating undergraduate, master, and doctoral students are invited and encouraged to participate in the commencement ceremony. All graduating students are required to apply for graduation through self service by March 17th. Doors will open for students and guests at 10:00am. Student check-in will begin at 10:30am for students who are participating in the ceremony. The ceremony is expected to last at least two hours. A livestream link will be posted on this page the morning of commencement. Tickets are not required and there are no limitations on guest attendance. Parking is available in the parking garage across the street from the Vibrant Arena.
Students and guests who need special accommodations can contact the Accessibility Resource Center at 563-333-6275 or at arc@sau.edu.
Vibrant Arena Guest Requirements: All graduations/commencement ceremonies will require guests and attendees to enter through entrances with walk-through metal detectors. We will also be enforcing our bag policy, which is any bag/purse over 5”x7”x1” will need to be returned to their vehicle or checked in at Guest Services. Our only exceptions to this are for medical reasons or diaper bags (with small child/children present upon entry). Medical and diaper bags will be searched upon entry. We do not allow airhorns or any noise makers of any kind. Other items that are prohibited, along with weapons of any kind, are pocket knives, pepper spray and helium balloons.
Accessibility Guest Needs:
The Vibrant Arena parking lot has 937 parking spaces, 43 handicapped spaces on-site, and 1,400 nearby off-site parking spaces. The MetroLINK parking ramp has 250 spots. Guests can access the arena concourse directly from that ramp via the skywalk. There is a drop-off lane in front of the building.
Seating for people with mobility challenges or wheelchairs is available in the alcoves adjacent to the suites on the concourse level of the arena (sections 103-116). One or two guests may accompany the person using alcove seating. Additional members of the party may use the reserved seating in the top row of the lower bowl directly in front of the alcove.
Ushers stationed near the elevator are available to transport guests to and from the alcoves upon request. The elevator is located just inside the west end doors of the lobby and moves between the entry level (ground floor) and concourse level only. The elevator opens onto the concourse just outside of section 105.
Sensory Disabilities
Large print programs are available from the ushers on request.
A sign language interpreter is stationed on the right-hand side of the stage (from the audience perspective). Those requiring this service are encouraged to sit in sections 112-116 and may request reserved seating.
Please contact the Accessibility Resource Center at 563-333-6275 or arc@sau.edu for questions or to request special accommodations.